GeoFair and Mineral Sale

Please join us on Saturday, October 22nd from 10 AM - 4 PM for GeoFair Activities that will take place at the Museum of Geosciences, 2062 Derring Hall, 926 West Campus Drive on the Virginia Tech Blacksburg Campus.

This popular event features hands-on family-friendly activities, learning stations about geosciences staffed by your friends and colleagues, and beautiful minerals for sale priced for teachers and students (cash or check).
Sponsored by the Geology Club at Virginia Tech with alumni donors to help support the Museum's educational efforts.
Open to the public with free admission!
No free parking is available at the Museum, as all parking on campus requires a parking fee. The Museum suggests visitors park at the Perry Street Parking Garage (see map below).

Visitors can purchase daily parking passes for $6 through the ParkMobile app, online (, or in person at parking services.
If visitors are only visiting for a couple of hours the hourly parking rate would be the cheapest option.
Visitors can find more parking information here: (general info) (more about ParkMobile and cost breakdown)