About Us

Virginia Tech's Department of Geosciences focuses on research, education, and outreach dealing with the nature of the earth. Our students and faculty investigate earth processes at scales that range from atomic to planetary. We encourage interdisciplinary approaches to research in the geosciences, both within the department and through interdepartmental programs. Please click this link to review our Mission Statement.
Over 100 Years of Excellence
Geosciences at Virginia Tech celebrated its first centennial as a department in 2003. Over one hundred years ago, the first curriculum leading to a B.S. Degree in Geology was offered, and in 1907, the first B.S. degree was awarded to Joel Watkins. Since then, the Department has awarded over 1,100 undergraduate degrees.
Contact Us
4044 Derring Hall
926 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA
Phone: 1-540-231-6521
Fax: 1-540-231-3386