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Greg Norris

Greg Norris
1051 Derring Hall


Electronics Technician II

Technical support of all X-ray diffraction equipment in the department.

Department Safety Officer

Primary liaison between Geosciences and VT Environmental Health and Safety. Performs routine safety inspections of all departmental spaces and facilities to ensure there are no EHS violations. Manages the online Safety Management System for Geosciences. Maintains and updates the Department Continuity of Operations Plan.

Department Website Administrator

Geosciences website administrator and member of the College of Science's Web Team project and the Geosciences Department Publicity and Recruitment Committee.

Thin Section Lab Manager

Maintains thin-sectioning saws and other pertinent equipment. Trains new users in the safe use and care of the equipment and facility.

Derring Hall Building Emergency Coordinator

Serves as primary contact for Emergency Responders in the event of an actual emergency. Primary contact for safety and emergency preparedness information, building-wide. Point of contact for specialized emergency planning efforts initiated by the VT office of Emergency Management and/or other emergency response agencies. Maintains the Building Emergency Action Plan.