D. Sarah Stamps

D. Sarah Stamps is a geophysicist that measures millimeter precision surface motions with GNSS/GPS and employs computational modeling to investigate the physics driving those motions. She is also an active member of the NSF EarthCube Science Committee and the NSF UNAVCO Education and Community Engagement Committee intent on helping to modernize geosciences for our cyber-connected society and advancing geoscience technical expertise in developing countries.
Ph.D., Geophysics/Geodesy, Purdue University, 2013
B.Sc., Earth Sciences and Mathematics minor, The University of Memphis, 2007
Our work entails measuring the Earth's surface motions with millimeter precision and using computational modeling to understand the physical processes driving Earth's volcanoes, earthquakes, and non-seismic deformation. We tackle questions such as: How and why does the Earth move and deform? Why do continents break apart? How do volcanoes influence continental rift initiation?
In the Geodesy and Tectonophysics Laboratory at the Virginia Tech Department of Geosciences, we explore topics in lithospheric dynamics, mantle-lithosphere interactions, and active tectonics by (1) collecting and analyzing high precision Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations and (2) testing hypotheses with kinematic and geodynamic computational modeling.
Current students include:
- Tahiry A. Rajaonarison, PhD student
- Joshua R. Jones, PhD student
- Emmanuel Njinu, PhD student
- Karen Williams, PhD student
- Gabbi Troia, Undergraduate researcher
- Myles Mason, Undergraduate researcher
- Rufus Hinton IV, Laboratory assistant
- Asenath Kwagalakwe, PhD student
- Ntambila "Daud" Masungulwa, PhD student
- Kelsey Popolizio, Undergraduate Researcher
- Esha Islam, Undergraduate Researcher
- Siria Aparicio - Laboratory Assistant
- Rebecca Plosay, Undergraduate Researcher
- Ryan Roane, Undergraduate Researcher
- Roberto Gorjon Andujar, Undergraduate Researcher
- Kyera Broxton, Laboratory Assistant
- ThaoVy Nguyen, Undergraduate Researcher
- Israel Mamo, Undergraduate Researcher
- Jessica Schobelock, Master's student
- Dr. Rui Xu, Associate Researcher
- Sarah Morgan, Undergraduate Researcher
- Sean Malloy, Undergraduate Researcher
- Jared Guzman, Undergraduate Researcher
- Codi Weirsma, Undergraduate Researcher
- Rajaoalison Herimitsinjo Liantsoa Dinah Mamy Arthur, Master's student
- Raul Carrilo, Undergraduate Researcher
- Greg Jesmock, Undergraduate Researcher
Peer-reviewed publications
**student author
(25) **Njinju, E., D.S. Stamps, K. Neumiller, J. Gallagher (2021), Lithospheric Control of Melt Generation Beneath the Rungwe Volcanic Province, East Africa: Implications for a Plume Source, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2020JB020728. Model files here.
(24) **Rajaonarison, T, D.S. Stamps, J. Naliboff (2021), Role of Lithospheric Buoyancy Forces in Driving Deformation in East Africa from 3D Geodynamic Modeling, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2020GL090483. Model files here.
(23) Stamps, D.S., C. Kreemer, R. Fernandes, T. Rajaonarison, G. Rambolamanana (in press), Redefining the Kinematics of the East African Rift System, Geology
(22) Glerum, A., Brune, S., Stamps, D. S., & Strecker, M. R. (2020). Victoria continental microplate dynamics controlled by the lithospheric strength distribution of the East African Rift. Nature Communications, 11(1), 1-15, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16176-x
(21) **Rajaonarison, T.A., D.S. Stamps, S. Fishwick, S. Brune, A. Glerun, J. Hu, (2020), Numerical Modeling of Mantle Flow Beneath Madagascar to Constrain Upper Mantle Rheology Beneath Continental Regions, Journal of Geophysical Research, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019jb018560
(20) Njinju, E.**, E.A. Atekwana, D.S. Stamps, M. Abdelsalam, E. Atekwana, K. Mickus, S. Fishwick, F. Kolawole, T. Rajaonarison, V. Nyalugwe (2019), Lithospheric Structure of the Malawi Rift: Implications for Magma-Poor Rifting Processes, Tectonics, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019TC005549
(19) Rui, X. and D.S. Stamps (2019), Strain accommodation in the Daliangshan Mountain area, southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, doi: 10.1029/2019JB017614
(18) Njinju, E.** K. Folarin, E. A. Atekwana, D. S. Stamps, E. A. Atekwana, M. G. Abdelsalam, K. L. Mickuse (2019), Terrestrial heat flow in the Malawi Rifted Zone, East Africa: Implications for tectono-thermal inheritance in continental rift basins, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.07.023
(17) J.R. Jones**, D.S. Stamps, Christelle Wauthier, Juliet Biggs, Elifuraha Saria (2019), Evidence for slip on a border fault triggered by magmatic processes in an immature continental rift, Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems , doi: 10.1029/2018GC008165
(16) X. Rui, D. S. Stamps, 2019, A Tectonic Strain Rate and Velocity Model for China, Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems, doi:10.1029/2018GC007806
(15) Stamps, D.S., E. Saria, C. Kreemer, 2018, A geodetic strain rate model for the East African Rift System, Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-19097-w.
(14) F. Kolawole, E. A. Atekwana, **S. Malloy, D. S. Stamps, R. Grandin, M. G. Abdelsalam1, K. Leseane and E. M. Shemang, Aeromagnetic and gravity data, and Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) analysis reveal the causative fault of the April 3, 2017 Mw 6.5 Moijabana, Botswana Earthquake, (2017), Geophysical Research Letters.
(13) Ji, K.H., *Stamps, D.S., Geirsson, H., Mashagiro, N., Syauswa, M., Kafudu, B., Subira, J. and d’Oreye, N., (2017), Deep magma accumulation at Nyamulagira volcano in 2011 detected by GNSS observations. Journal of African Earth Sciences.
*corresponding author
(12) Muirhead, J.D., Kattenhorn, S.A., Lee, H., Mana, S., Turrin, B.D., Fischer, T.P., Kianji, G., Dindi, E. and Stamps, D.S., 2016. Evolution of upper crustal faulting assisted by magmatic volatile release during early-stage continental rift development in the East African Rift. Geosphere, pp.GES01375-1.
(11) Rui, X. and Stamps, D.S., (2016), Present day kinematics of the eastern Tibetan Plateau and Sichuan Basin: Implications for lower crustal rheology. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.
(10) Sachau, T., D. Koehn, D.S. Stamps, M. Lindenfield, (2015), Fault kinematics and stress fields in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda,
Int. Jrl. Earth Sci., doi: 10.1007/s00531-015-1162-6.
(9) Stamps, D.S., G. Iaffaldano, E. Calais (2015), Role of mantle flow in Nubia-Somalia divergence, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi: 10.1002/2014GL062515
(8) Stamps, D.S., L.M. Flesch, E. Calais, A. Ghosh (2014), Current kinematics and dynamics of Africa and the East African Rift, Jrl. Geophy. Res., doi: 10.1002/2013JB010717
(7) Saria, E., E. Calais, D.S. Stamps, D. Delvaux, C.J.H. Hartnady (2014), Present-day kinematics of the East African Rift, Jrl. Geophy. Res., doi: 10.1002/2013JB010901
(6) Fernandes, R., Miranda, J. M., Delvaux, D., D.S., Stamps, E. Saria (2013), Re-evaluation of the kinematics of Victoria Plate using continuous GNSS data, Geophys J Int., doi: 10.1093/gji/ggs071
(5) Stamps, D.S., L.M. Flesch, E.Calais (2010), Lithospheric buoyancy stresses in Africa from a thin sheet approach, Int. Jrl. Earth Sci., Special Publication on Continents in Extension, 99(7), doi: 10.1007/s00531-010-0533-2
(4) Calais, E., N. d'Oreye, J. Alberic, A. Deschamps, D. Delvaux, J. Deverchere, C. Ebinger, R.W. Ferdinand, F. Kervyn, A.S. Macheyeki, A. Oyen, J. Perror, E. Saria, B. Smets, D.S. Stamps, C. Wauthier, (2008) Aseismic strain accommodation by slow slip and dyking in a youthful continental rift, East Africa, Nature, doi:10.1038/nature07478
(3) Stamps, D.S., E. Calais, E. Saria, C. Hartnady, J.-M. Nocquet, C.J. Ebinger, and R. Fernandes (2008), A kinematic model for the East African Rift, Geophy. Res. Lett., 35, L05304, doi:10.1029/2007GL0327 81
(2) Smalley, R. Jr., I.W. Dalziel, M.G. Bevis, E. Kendrick, D.S. Stamps, E.C. King, F.W. Taylor, E. Lauria, A. Zakrajsek, and H. Parra (2007), Scotia arc kinematics from GPS geodesy, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L21308, doi:10.1029/2007GL031699
(1) Stamps, D.S., R. Smalley, Jr. (2006), Strings and Things for Locating Earthquakes, Seismo. Res. Ltrs, Vol. 77, No. 6, pp.677-683., doi:10.1785/gssrl.77.6.677
Data Sets and Software with doi's
(26) Stamps, D. Sarah, Nyblade, Andy, Tugume, Fred, 2019, Uganda-Kenya Eastern Branch GNSS Network - UGN1, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, https://doi.org/10.7283/5YWS-G946
(25) Stamps, D. Sarah, Nyblade, Andy, Tugume, Fred, 2019, Uganda-Kenya Eastern Branch GNSS Network - UGN2, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations dataset, https://doi.org/10.7283/96K9-CY19
(24) Stamps, D. Sarah, Nyblade, Andy, Tugume, Fred, 2019, Uganda-Kenya Eastern Branch GNSS Network - UGN3, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, https://doi.org/10.7283/NCNX-MF08
(23) Stamps, D. Sarah, Nyblade, Andy, Kianji, Gladys, 2019, Uganda-Kenya Eastern Branch GNSS Network - KYN1, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, https://doi.org/10.7283/PGZG-QN51
(22) Stamps, D. Sarah, Nyblade, Andy, Kianji, Gladys, 2019, Uganda-Kenya Eastern Branch GNSS Network - KYN2, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, https://doi.org/10.7283/879W-ZH24
(21) Stamps, D. Sarah, Nyblade, Andy, Kianji, Gladys, 2019, Uganda-Kenya Eastern Branch GNSS Network - KYN3, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, https://doi.org/10.7283/JW25-DC44
(20) Stamps, D. Sarah, Nyblade, Andy, Kianji, Gladys, 2019, Uganda-Kenya Eastern Branch GNSS Network - KYN4, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, https://doi.org/10.7283/0ZK5-HF19.
(19) Stamps, D. Sarah, Nyblade, Andy, Kianji, Gladys, 2019, Uganda-Kenya Eastern Branch GNSS Network - KYN5, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, https://doi.org/10.7283/MC7S-S138
(18) Stamps, D. Sarah, Nyblade, Andy, Kianji, Gladys, 2019, Uganda-Kenya Eastern Branch GNSS Network - KYN6, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, https://doi.org/10.7283/GWTD-X957.
(17) Stamps, D. Sarah, Nyblade, Andy, Kianji, Gladys, 2019, Uganda-Kenya Eastern Branch GNSS Network - KYN7, UNAVCO, Inc., GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, https://doi.org/10.7283/TDCA-Z146
(16) Stamps, D.S., Saria, Elifuraha, Hyeun Ji, Kang, **Jones, J. Robert, Ntambila, Daud, Daniels, Mike and Mencin, Dave, 2017, TZVOLCANO: OLO6-OLO6_OLO_TZA2017 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS Data Set, doi:10.7283/T51V5CR2
(15) Stamps, D.S., Saria, Elifuraha, Hyeun Ji, Kang, **Jones, J. Robert, Ntambila, Daud, Daniels, Mike and Mencin, Dave, 2017, TZVOLCANO: OLO7-OLO7_OLO_TZA2017 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS Data Set, doi:10.7283/T5F47MW0
(14) Stamps, D.S., Saria, Elifuraha, Hyeun Ji, Kang, **Jones, J. Robert, Ntambila, Daud, Daniels, Mike and Mencin, Dave (2017) TZVOLCANO: OLO8-OLO8_OLO_TZA2017 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS Data Set, doi:10.7283/T59C6W64
(13) Stamps, D. S., Saria, E., Ji, K. H., **Jones, J. R., Ntambila, D., Daniels, M. D., & Mencin, D. (2016). Real-time data from the Tanzania Volcano Observatory at the Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano in Tanzania (TZVOLCANO). UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.5065/d6p849bm
(12) Daniels, M. D., Kerkez, B., Chandrasekar, V., Graves, S., Stamps, D. S., Martin, C., Dye, M., Gooch, R., Bartos, M., Jones, J., Keiser, K. (2016). Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS) software (Version 0.9). UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.5065/d6v1236q
(11) Stamps, D.S., Saria, Elifuraha, Hyeun Ji, Kang, **Jones, J. Robert, Ntambila, Daud, Daniels, Mike and Mencin, Dave, 2016, TZVOLCANO: OLO1-OLO1_OLO_TZA2016 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS Data Set, doi:10.7283/T5TB15P4
(10) Stamps, D.S., Saria, Elifuraha, Hyeun Ji, Kang, **Jones, J. Robert, Ntambila, Daud, Daniels, Mike and Mencin, Dave, 2016, TZVOLCANO: OLO2-OLO2_OLO_TZA2016 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS Data Set, doi:10.7283/T5JS9P7J
(9) Stamps, D.S., Saria, Elifuraha, Hyeun Ji, Kang, **Jones, J. Robert, Ntambila, Daud, Daniels, Mike and Mencin, Dave, 2016, TZVOLCANO: OLO3-OLO3_OLO_TZA2016 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS Data Set, doi:10.7283/T5Z31XFX
(8) Stamps, D.S., Saria, Elifuraha, Hyeun Ji, Kang, **Jones, J. Robert, Ntambila, Daud, Daniels, Mike and Mencin, Dave, 2016, TZVOLCANO: OLO4-OLO4_OLO_TZA2016 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS Data Set, doi:10.7283/T55M64H7
(7) Stamps, D.S., Saria, Elifuraha, Hyeun Ji, Kang, **Jones, J. Robert, Ntambila, Daud, Daniels, Mike and Mencin, Dave, 2016, TZVOLCANO: OLO5-OLO5_OLO_TZA2016 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS Data Set, doi:10.7283/T5PK0DXZ
(6) Stamps, D.S. and G. Rambolamanana, (2015). Madagascar 2014, UNAVCO, GPS Data Set, doi:10.7283/T5WS8RKK
(5) Stamps, D.S. and F. Tugume, (2015). Uganda 2014, UNAVCO, GPS Data Set, doi:10.7283/T5SN077
(4) Stamps, D.S. and E. Saria (2015), Tanzania 2014, UNAVCO, GPS Data Set, doi:10.7283/T5XD0ZZG
(3) Stamps D.S. and G. Rambolamanana, (2012), Madagascar Uganda 2012: Madagascar 2012, UNAVCO, GPS Data Set, doi:10.7283/T5HX19S6
(2) Stamps D.S. and G. Rambolamanana, (2012), Madagascar Uganda 2012: Uganda 2012, UNAVCO, GPS Data Set, doi:10.7283/T5HX19S6
(1) Stamps, D.S. and G. Rambolamanana, (2010), Tanzania Madagascar Uganda 2010: Madagascar, UNAVCO, GPS Data Set, doi:10.7283/T5000052
White papers, reports, and media highlights
Evans, Eileen L.; Nikulin, Alex; Ford, Heather A.; Stamps, D. Sarah; Creasy, Neala; Swiatlowski, Jeryln; et al. (2020): An Early Career Investigator Community Vision for the Future NSF Geophysical Facility: Education, Workforce, and Outreach Needs. figshare. Online resource. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.12398372.v1
Ford, Heather A.; Floyd, Michael; Stamps, D. Sarah; Mendoza, Manuel; Bozdag, Ebru; Bowden, Daniel; et al. (2020): An Early Career Investigator Community Vision for the Future NSF Geophysical Facility: Data Services Needs. figshare. Online resource. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.12398321.v1
Stamps, D. Sarah; Eilon, Zach; Fan, Wenyuan; Lynner, Colton; Kehoe, Haiyang; Ford, Heather A.; et al. (2020): An Early Career Investigator Community Vision for the Future NSF Geophysical Facility: Instrumentation Services Needs. figshare. Online resource. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.12398288.v1
D. Sarah Stamps receives $625,000 NSF CAREER grant to study role of volcanism in continental rifting, written by Steven Mackay, 2020, Virginia Tech News
Geosciences' D. Sarah Stamps rocks science in National Geographic Kids book, written by Steven Mackay, 2019, Virginia Tech News
A Position Paper on EarthCube adoption/promotion of principles embodied in the FAIR acronym for current and future activities, 2019, Rubin, K.H., Kelbert, A., Stamps, D.S., Meier, O., Koskela, R. and the EarthCube Leadership Council
CHORDS Provides Next Generation Infrastructure for Real-time Geoscience Data Services, written by Beth Bartel, UNAVCO highlight https://www.unavco.org/highlights/2019/chords.html
EarthCube Resources Document (2018), Ouida Meyer, D. Sarah Stamps, Lynne Schrieber, and the EarthCube Science Committee
Virginia Tech new (2017) Geosciences' D. Sarah Stamps to spearhead $1.4 million NSF grant to build key cyberinfrastructure project
National Geographic Story (2017) 'Mountain of God' Volcano Preparing to Erupt.
Virginia Tech news (2016) Geosciences team to place GPS sensors around Tanzanian volcano in effort to predict eruptions
D.S. Stamps and X. Rui, GPS Studies of the Wenchuan and Lushan earthquake: What can we learn?, Presentation at Chengdu High School No. 7, Chinese National News highlight, Sept. 23, 2015.
Aronson E, Bristol S, Burgess AB, Chandrasekar V, Close H, van Eyken T, Ferrini V, Gomez B, Kinkade D, Kelbert A, Martin RL, Ritterbush K, Rubin K, Schmittner A, Slota S, Stamps DS, Stocks K, Tzeng MW, Wiebe P, Wood-Charlson E (2015): Geoscience 2020: Cyberinfrastructure to reveal the past, comprehend the present, and envision the future, EarthCube Working Paper ECWP-2015-1, dx.doi.org/10.7269/P3MG7MDZ
Douglas B., R, Bennett, D.S. Stamps, N. Niemi, B. Wang, E. Nissan, M, Oskin, A. Duvall, M.Hamburger, (2015), Current directions of field science education with respect to geodetic technologies, White Paper for Workshop on Future Seismic and Geodetic Facility Needs in the Geosciences, May 4-6, 2015.
Rifting in Eastern Africa: Geodetic data deciphers spreading forces (2014) UNAVCO Geodetic Science Snapshot, written by L. Rowen, http://www.unavco.org/science/snapshots/solid-earth/2014/stamps.html
Stamps D.S. et al. (2013). An investigation of rift-parallel surface deformation along the East African Rift System, GeoPRISMS Planning Workshop for East African Rift, Morristown, NJ, 10/25/13-10/27/13, White Paper.
Stamps D.S. et al. (2013). An investigation of plate boundary formation in Madagascar, GeoPRISMS Planning Workshop for East African Rift, Morristown, NJ, 10/25/13-10/27/13, White Paper.
Plate tectonics in the East African Rift (2008) UNAVCO Highlight, https://www.unavco.org/highlights/2008/stamps.html
- Tectonics, Advanced Tectonics, Spring semesters, undergraduate/graduate level
- Geodesy in the Earth Sciences, Fall semesters, bi-annual, undergraduate/graduate level
- Geodynamics and ASPECT, Fall semesters, as needed, graduate level
- The Carpentries Certified Instructor, 2021
- Principles of Effective Teaching Certificate, 2021
- NSF CAREER Award 2020-present
- NSF Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics Distinguished Lecturer 2017-2020
- NSF EarthCube Community Service and Leadership Award 2017
- NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2013
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship 2009
- Remote masters advising
- Undergraduate research advising
- Mentoring
- Volunteering for numerous kids outreach vents at Virginia Tech