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Thomas J. Burbey

Professor Emeritus of Hydrogeosciences

My research is broadly in the field of physical hydrogeology with expertise in regional aquifer system analysis, and regional groundwater flow modeling. My research efforts pertain largely to the use of stress-strain signals for characterizing aquifer properties and reservoirs used for domestic groundwater or CO2 sequestration. My expertise lies in three-dimensional aquifer deformation and flow modeling by incorporating InSAR (synthetic aperture radar) and GPS techniques for quantifying land subsidence (vertical and horizontal) and its relation to aquifer storage and hydraulic conductivity at the local and regional scales. I also have done extensive work on characterizing aquifers in fractured-rock environments including the use of barometric loading and earth tides for fracture characterization and more broadly on how geologic structure can lead to compartmentalization of fractured rock systems. Fault characterization using deformation signals in 3D is also a newer approach that I'm using to better understand fault mechanics. I have also developed management models with the aim of predicting effects of various water-use scenarios.


Ph.D., Hydrology/Hydrogeology, University of Nevada-Reno, 1994

M.S., Hydrology/Hydrogeology, University of Nevada-Reno, 1984

B.S., Geology/Geophysics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1981

During my 20 years at Virginia Tech, my research endeavors have been greatly broadened through my own inquisition, by my peers and students, and societal needs, but my core research objectives have remained fairly fixed. My main research focus has been to develop and advance methodologies to better characterize aquifer systems by taking advantage of observations that extend beyond using only water-level signals, which is what is used in traditional aquifer testing. Aquifer characterization remains one of the most important aspects of hydrogeology and is critical for evaluating the rate, and direction of flow and transport and for quantifying aquifer sustainability and viability, which can be particularly acute in regions where groundwater mining has been occurring for some time. Accurate water-management models require precise vertical and areal hydraulic and mechanical properties of the aquifer system in order to make informed decisions about the impacts of future pumping patterns and rates as population growth continues in many large structural basins where natural recharge is limited and conservation is often a necessity. In order to provide accurate predictive models, detailed parameterization is needed, but historical water-level data alone are not capable of providing sufficient information to adequately parameterize complex hydrostratigraphic and structural systems. My research involves the use and development of techniques and new data observations to more accurately and precisely quantify the hydraulic and poromechanical characteristics of aquifer and fault systems that will lead to highly accurate water-management models in the future.

Publication list as of 10-30-17

Book Chapters

Burbey, T.J., 2014, Aquifer and Ground Water Storage. In, Encyclopedia of Natural Resources, Ed. Y.Q. Wang, Taylor and Francis Publishing, New York, p. 595-599.

Peer Reviewed Papers

Hernandes-Marin, M., Guerrero-Martinez, L., Zermeno-Villalobos, A, Rodriquez- Gonzalez, L., Burbey, T.J., Pacheco-Martinez, J., and Martinez-Martinez, S, 2017 (in review), Spatial and temporal variation of natural recharge in the Valley of Aguascalientes, Mexico: Hydrogeology Journal

Hernandez-Marin, M., Pacheco-Martinez, J., Burbey, T.J., Carreon-Freyre, D.C., Ochoa- Gonzalez, H., Campos-Moreno, G.E., deLira, P., 2017 (accepted), Evaluation of subsurface infiltration and displacement in a subsidence-reactivated normal Fault in the Aguascalientes Valley, Mexico: Environmental Earth Sciences

Schuite, J., Longuevergne, L., Bour, O., Burbey, T.J., Boudin, F., Lavenant, N. and Davy, P., 2017 (accepted), Understanding the hydromechanical behavior of a fault zone from transient surface tilt and fluid pressure observations at hourly time scales: Water Resources Research

Schuite, J., Longuevergne, L., Bour, O., Guiheneuf, N., Becker, M.W., Cole, M., Burbey, T.J., Lavenant, N., and Boudin, F, 2017 (accepted), Combining periodic slug tests and surface tilt measurements to explore in situ fracture hydromechanics: Journal of Geophysical Research:Solid Earth.

Greer, B.M., Burbey, T.J., Zipper, C.E, and Hester, E.T., 2017, Electrical resistivity imaging of preferential flow through surface coal mine valley fills with comparison to other land forms: Hydrologic Processes. V. 31, pp. 2244-2260; DOI: 10.1002/hyp11180.

Hester, E.T., Greer, B.M., Zipper, C.E., and Burbey, T.J., 2016, Using geophysical imaging to track water movement through surface coal mine valley fills: Reclamation Matters, Spring, 2016, p36-39.

Burbey, T.J., and Brandon, R.A., 2016, Characterization of a hydraulically induced crystalline-rock fracture, Hydrologic Processes, v. 30, Issue 18, pp. 3289-3302; DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10856.

Zhang, M., and Burbey, T.J., 2016, Inverse modeling using PS-InSAR for improved land subsidence simulation in Las Vegas Valley, NV: Hydrological Processes v. 30, Issue 24, p. 4494-4516, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10945.

Zhou, X, and Burbey, T.J., 2016, Numerical simulation of a percolating flow path in a caprock formation during aquifer pressurization and its implication for CO2 sequestration: Environmental Earth Sciences, 75:10, Article 861, 14 p., DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-5679-1

Zhou, X., and Burbey, T.J., 2016, The mechanism of faulting regimes change over depth in the sedimentary layers in an intracratonic basin: Arabian Journal of Geosciences, vol 9, no. 10, 11 p. , DOI: 10.1007/s12517-015-2053-7.

Bloxom, L.K., and Burbey, T.J., 2015, Determination of the location of the groundwater divide and nature of groundwater flow paths within a region of active stream capture, the New River watershed, Virginia, USA: Environmental Earth Sciences, v.74, no. 3, p. 2687-2699; DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-4290-1

Zhou, X, Burbey, T.J., and Westman, E., 2015, The effect of caprock permeability on shear stress path at the aquifer-caprock interface during fluid injection: International Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, v 77, p 1-10.

Zhang, M, and Burbey, T.J., 2015, A comparison of three hydraulic parameter optimization schemes for Las Vegas Valley: Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, v. 121, p. 174-179; doi:10.2113/EEG-1672

Zhou, X, and Burbey, T.J., 2014, Deformation characteristics of a clayey interbed during fluid injection: Engineering Geology, v. 183, p. 185-192.

Zhou, X., and Burbey, T.J., 2014, Comparison between fluid-injection induced ground deformation caused by fracture and porous medium pressurization: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 121, p. 174-179.

Chen, Y., Shu, L., and Burbey, T.J., 2014, An integrated risk-assessment model of township-scaled land subsidence based on an evidential reasoning algorithm and fuzzy set theory, Risk Analysis, v. 34, no. 4, p. 656-669.

Zhou, X. and Burbey, T.J., 2014, How horizontal surface deformation during fluid injection correlates to the reservoir permeability setting: Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, v. 20, no. 3, p. 305-320.

Zhou, X., and Burbey, T.J., 2014, Pore pressure response to sudden fault slip for three typical faulting regimes: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 104, no. 2, p. 293-308, DOI: 10.1785/0120130139

Hernandez-Marin, M., Pacheco-Martinez, J., Ramirez-Cortes, A, Burbey, T.J., Ortiz- Lozano, J.A., Zermeño-de-Leon, M., Guinzberg-Velmont, J., and Pinto-Aceves, G., 2014, Evaluation and analysis of surface deformation in West Chapala Basin, central Mexico: Environmental Earth Science, v. 72, p. 1491-1501.

Zhang, M., Burbey, T.J. Nunes, V.T., and Borggaard, J., 2014, A new zonation algorithm with parameter estimation using hydraulic head and subsidence measurements, Groundwater Journal, v. 42, No. 4, p. 514-524.

Zhou, X., and Burbey, T.J., 2014, Fluid effect on hydraulic fracture propagation behavior: a comparison between water and supercritical CO2-like fluid: Geofluids, v. 14, Issue 2, p. 174-188.

Pacheco-Martínez, J., Hernández-Marin, M., Burbey, T.J., Cervantes-Gonzáles, N., Ortíz-Lozano, J.A., and Zermeño-De-León, 2013, Land subsidence and ground failures due to groundwater exploitation in the Aguascalientes Valley, Mexico, Engineering Geology, v. 164, p.172-186.

Burbey, T.J., 2013, Poroelastic effects on fracture characterization, Groundwater Journal, v 31, no. 6, p. 904-913.

Chen, Y., Shu, L., and Burbey, T.J., 2013, Composite subsidence vulnerability assessment based on an index model and index decomposition method: Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, v. 19, no. 3, p. 674-698.

Zhou, X., and Burbey, T.J., 2012, A FEM approach to measure Skemton’s B coefficient for supercritical CO2 saturated rock: Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, v. 18, no. 4, p. 343-355.

Hernandez-Marin, M., and Burbey, T.J., 2012, Fault-controlled deformation and stress from pumping-induced groundwater flow in a hydrogeologic setting, Journal of Hydrology, v. 428-429, p. 80-93.

Roningen, J.M, and Burbey, T.J., 2012, Hydrogeologic controls on lake level: A case study at Mountain Lake, Virginia, USA: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 20, no. 6, p. 1149-1167, DOI 10.1007/s10040-012-0859-x, 19 p.

Burbey, T.J., Hisz, D., and Murdoch, L.C., Zhang, M., 2012, Quantifying fractured crystalline-rock properties using well tests, Earth tides and barometric effects: Journal of Hydrology, v. 414-415, p. 317-328.

Gannon, J.P., Burbey, T.J., Bodnar, R.J., and Aylor, J., 2012, Hydrogeologic characterization of the Chatham fault at the Coles Hill Uranium Deposit, Virginia: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 20, p. 45-60, DOI 10.1007/s10040-011-0798-y.

Galloway, D.L., and Burbey, T.J., 2011, Review: Regional land subsidence accompanying groundwater extraction: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 19, no 8, p. 1459- 1486. doi 10.1007/s10040-011-0775-5.

Hernandez-Marin, M., and Burbey, T.J. 2010, Controls on initiation and propagation of pumping-induced earth fissures: Insights from numerical simulation: Hydrogeology Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10040-010-0642-9, v. 18, no. 8, pg. 1773-1785.

Burbey, T.J., and Zhang, M., 2010, Assessing hydrofracing success from Earth tide and barometric response: Ground Water Journal, v. 48, no. 6, p. 825-835.

Burbey, T.J., 2010, Fracture characterization using earth tide analysis: Journal of Hydrology, v. 380, issue 3-4, p. 237-246, doi:10.1016/jjhydrol.2009.10.037.

Hernandez-Marin, M., and Burbey, T.J., 2009, The role of faulting on surface deformation patterns from pumping induced ground-water flow: Hydrogeology Journal, 10.1007/s10040-009-0501-8, v. 17., no. 8, p. 1859-1875.

Yan, T., and Burbey, T.J., 2008, The value of subsidence data in ground-water model calibration: Ground Water, v. 46, no. 4, p. 438-450.

Burbey, T.J., 2008, The influence of geologic structures on deformation due to ground- water withdrawal: Ground Water, v. 46, no. 2, p. 202-211.

Rugh, D.E., and Burbey, T.J., 2008, Using Saline Tracers to Evaluate Preferential Recharge in Fractured Rocks, Floyd County, Virginia, USA: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 16, no. 2, p. 251-262.

White, B.A., and Burbey, T.J., 2007, Evidence for structurally controlled recharge in the Blue Ridge Province, Virginia, USA: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 15, no. 5, p. 929- 943.

Burbey, T.J., 2006, Three-dimensional deformation and strain induced by municipal pumping, Part 2: Numerical analysis: Journal of Hydrology, v 330, p. 422-434.

Burbey, T.J., Warner, S.M., Blewitt, G., Bell, J.W., and Hill, E., 2006, Three-dimensional deformation and strain induced by municipal pumping, Part 1: Analysis of field data: Journal of Hydrology v. 319 p. 123-142.

Seaton, W.J., and Burbey, T.J., 2005, Influence of ancient thrust faults on the hydrogeology of the Blue Ridge Province: Ground Water, v. 43, no. 3, p. 301-313.

Gentry, W.M, and Burbey, T.J., 2004, Characterization of Groundwater Flow from Spring Discharge in a Crystalline-Rock Environment: Jour. Amer. Water Resour. Assoc., v. 40, no. 5, p. 1205-1217.

Pope J.P. and Burbey T.J., 2004, Multiple-aquifer characterization from single borehole extensometer records: Ground Water, v 42, no. 1, p. 45-58.

Burbey, T.J., 2003, Use of time-subsidence data during pumping to characterize specific storage and hydraulic conductivity of semi-confining units: Jour. of Hydrology, v. 281, no 1-2, pp. 3-22.

Pope, J.P., and Burbey, T.J., 2003, Characterization and modeling of land subsidence due to ground-water withdrawals from the confined aquifers of the Virginia Coastal Plain: in Prince, K.R. and Galloway, D.L., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Subsidence Interest Group Conference, Proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Galveston, Texas, November 27-29, 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-308, p. 49-56.

Seaton, W.J., and Burbey, T.J., 2002, Evaluation of two-dimensional resistivity methods in a fractured crystalline-rock terrane: Jour. of Applied Geophysics, v 51, no. 1, pp. 21-41.

Burbey, T.J., 2002, The influence of faults in basin-fill deposits on land subsidence, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 10, no. 5, pp. 525-538.

Burbey, T.J., 2001, Stress-strain analyses for aquifer-system characterization: Ground Water, v. 39, no. 1, pp. 128-136.

Burbey, T.J., 2001, Storage coefficient revisited: Is purely vertical strain a good assumption?: Ground Water, v. 39, no. 3, p. 458-464.

Burbey, T.J., Younos, Tamim, and Anderson, E.T., 2000, Hydrologic analysis of discharge sustainability from an abandoned coal mine: Jour. of the Amer. Water Resour. Assoc., v. 36, no. 5, pp. 1161-1172.

Seaton, W.J., and Burbey T.J., 2000 Aquifer characterization in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province using resistivity profiling and borehole geophysics: Jour. of Environ. and Eng. Geophysics, v. 5, no. 3, pp. 45-58.

Burbey, T J., 1999, Effects of horizontal strain in estimating specific storage and compaction in confined and leaky aquifer systems: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 7, no. 6., pp. 521-532.

Burbey, T.J., and Helm D.C., 1999, Modeling three-dimensional deformation in response to pumping of unconsolidated aquifers: Environmental and Engineering Geoscience: v. 5, no 2, pp. 199-212.

Burbey, T.J., 1997, Hydrogeology and potential for ground-water development, carbonate-rock aquifers, southern Nevada and southeastern California: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4168, 65 p.

Dettinger, M.D., and Burbey, T.J., 1997, Methods for delineating sources of water to wells in basin-fill aquifers—implications for wellhead protection programs: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resource Investigations Report.

Burbey, T.J., 1995, Pumpage and water-level change in the principal aquifer system of Las Vegas Valley, Nevada, 1980-90: Nevada Division of Water Resources, Water- Resources Information Report 34, 224 p.

Prudic, D.E., Harrill, J.R., and Burbey, T.J.,1995, Conceptual evaluation of regional ground- water flow in the Carbonate-Rock Province of the Great Basin, Nevada, Utah, and adjacent states: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1409-D, 102 p.

Burbey, T.J., 1993, Shallow ground water in the Whitney area southeastern Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada--Part II Assessment of a proposed strategy to reduce the contribution of salts to Las Vegas Wash: U.S. Geological Survey Water- Resources Investigations Report 92-4051, 58 p.

Proceedings Papers (peer reviewed)

Burbey, T.J., and Zhang, M., 2015, Inverse modeling using PS-InSAR for improved calibration of hydraulic parameters and improved prediction of future subsidence for Las Vegas Valley, USA: Proceedings of the Inter. Assoc. Hydro. Sci, Special Issue: Prevention and mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards due to land subsidence, piahs-2015-418, p. 411-416, doi:10.5194/piahs-372-411-2015.

Nagoya Japan, Nov 13-19, 2015. Burbey, T.J., 2010, Mechanisms for earth fissure formation in heavily pumped basins: in Land Subsidence, Associated Hazards and the Role of Natural Resources Development; Carreón-Freyre, D, Cerca, M., and Galloway D.L., eds.; IAHS Publication 339, p. 3-8.

Hernandez-Marin, M., Burbey, T.J., 2010, On the mechanisms for earth fissuring in Las Vegas Valley, a numerical analysis of pumping-induced deformation and stress: in Land Subsidence, Associated Hazards and the Role of Natural Resources Development; Carreón-Freyre, D, Cerca, M., and Galloway D.L., eds.; IAHS Publication 339, p. 27-32.

Burbey, T.J., and Murdoch, L.C., 2010, Using extensometer and earth tide data to characterize fractured crystalline-rock properties: in Land Subsidence, Associated Hazards and the Role of Natural Resources Development; Carreón-Freyre, D, Cerca, M., and Galloway D.L., eds.; IAHS Publication 339, p. 319-325.

Pettit, M., and Burbey, T.J., 2008, The hydrogeology of the Timber Ridge quarry site, Botetourt County, Virginia: Proceedings of the Virginia Water Resources Research Center 2008 NSF REU program “Research Opportunities in Interdisc. Watershed Sciences and Eng.”, Eds. T. Younos, V.K. Lohani, and M. Licher, VWRRC Special Report No. SR42-2008, p. 27-37.

Burbey, T.J., 2008, Non-traditional approaches to aquifer characterization: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Watershed Hydrology and Slope Stability, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 4-5, 2008. p. A1-A3.

Burbey, T.J., 2005, Use of vertical and horizontal deformation data with inverse models to quantify parameters during aquifer testing: Proceedings of the Seventh Int. Symposium on Land Subsidence; Zhang. A., Gong, S. Carbognin, L., and Johnson, A.I., eds, Shanghai China, Oct 21-28, 2005, p. 560-569.

White, B.A., and Burbey, T.J., 2003, Evaluation of Ground-water Recharge in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province: Proceedings of the Virginia Water Resources Symposium, 2003, p. 177-180.

Burbey, T.J., 2003, Potential Ramifications of Compartmentalized Flow
in the Blue Ridge Province: Proceedings of the Virginia Water Resources

Symposium, 2003, p. 172-176.
Burbey, T.J., 2002, Three dimensional aquifer deformation and flow modeling:

Proceedings of the 14th Inter. Conf., Comp. Methods in Water Resour., June 23-28,

2002, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 129-136.
Burbey, T.J., and Seaton, W.J., 2002, Aquifer-test analysis in a fault-dominated aquifer

system, Blue Ridge Province, Virginia: Proceedings of the Virginia Water Research Symposium, Charlottesville, VA, Nov 14-16, 2001, J. Poff (ed.), p. 18-24

Seaton, W.J., and Burbey, T.J., 2002, Aquifer characterization in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province: Proceedings of the Virginia Water Research Symposium, Charlottesville, VA, Nov 14-16, 2001, J. Poff (ed.), p. 25-31

Burbey, T.J., 2000, Evaluation of Subsidence and skeletal specific storage from stress- strain hysteresis loops using one- and three-dimensional deformation models: Proceedings of the Sixth Inter. Symp. On Land Subsidence, Ravenna Italy, Sept. 24- 29, 2000, Land Subsidence, Vol. II, p. 255-266.

Burbey, T.J., and Seaton, W.J., 2000, Evidence for a new hydrogeologic model for the Blue Ridge and Piedmont Provinces: Proceedings of the Virginia Water Research Symposium, Richmond VA, Nov 15-16, 1999, pp. 20-24.

Burbey, T.J., 1997, Validity of Jacob’s assumptions for calculating subsidence due to pumping of confined aquifers: Proceedings of the 17th Annual American Geophysical Union Hydrology Days, Hubert J. Morel-Seytoux ed., Colo. St. Univ., Fort Collins, CO., p. 29-44.

Burbey, T.J., 1997, State of subsidence modeling within the U.S. Geological Survey: in U.S. Geological Survey Subsidence Interest Group Conference--proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, Feb. 14-16, 1995; K.R. Prince, and S.A. Leake, eds., U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-47, p. 15-19. [CONFERENCE ORGANIZER]

Abstracts and Extended Abstracts

Schuite, J., Longueverne, L., Bour, O., Burbey, T.J., 2017,

VanHaitsma, A., and Burbey, T.J., 2015, Evaluating aquifer-system properties from extensometer and water-level data using Principle Component Analysis, GSA Abstracts with Programs, Oct, 2015.

Hester, E.T., Greer, B.M., Burbey, T.J., and Zipper, C, 2015, Using electrical resistivity imaging to understand surface coal mining hydrogeology, AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Dec 15-19, 2015

Burbey, T.J., 2015, Consider parsimony in fault and fissure modeling for subsidence investigations: SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS15), Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, June 29-July 2, 2015.

Burbey, T.J., 2015, Using inverse modeling with observed water levels and InSAR interferograms to calibrate high spatial resolution hydraulic parameters and predict future subsidence for Las Vegas Valley, USA: Ninth International Symposium on Land Subsidence, Nov. 15-19, 2015, Nagoya, Japan.

Greer, B., Burbey, T.J., Zipper C., Hester E., 2015, Using Electrical Resistivity Imaging to Track Precipitation through Surface Coal Mine Valley Fills: ASMR conference, June 11-15, 2015, Lexington, KY.

Burbey, T.J., and Zhou, X., 2014, Factors affecting caprock pressurization during fluid injection, GSA Abstracts with Programs, Oct. 19-22, 2014, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

experimental approach to explore in situ fracture hydromechanics with ground

Development of an

surface tiltmeters and periodic fluid pressure perturbations, European General

Assembly, EGU2017-7638

Burbey, T.J., 2014, Hydrologic characterization of crystalline-rock aquifers of the Blue Ridge and Piedmont Provinces: SE GSA, V. 46, no. 3, April 10-11, 2014, Blacksburg VA.

Brandon, R.A. and Burbey, T.J., 2014 Multi-faceted hydraulic characterization of an isolated bedrock fracture in the Blue Ridge Province: SE GSA, V. 46, no. 3, April 10-11, 2014, Blacksburg, VA.

Funkhouser, L.K., and Burbey, T.J., 2014, Determination of the location of the groundwater divide and nature of groundwater flow paths within a region of active stream capture: The New River watershed: SE GSA, V. 46, no. 3, April 10-11, 2014, Blacksburg, VA.

Brandon, R.A and Burbey, T.J., 2013, Multi-faceted hydraulic characterization of an isolated bedrock fracture: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 45, no. 7, p. 105, Denver CO., Oct 37-30, 2013.

Zhou, X, and Burbey, T.J., 2012, Using horizontal surface displacements during fluid injection to characterize the permeability regime of deep reservoirs, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs Vol. 44, No. 7. Charlotte, NC, Nov 5-8, 2012.

Burbey, T.J., 2012, Time series analysis of subsidence and water-level data for aquifer system characterization, American Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Dec 3-7, 2012.

Zhang, M., and Burbey, T.J.,2012, A new powerful parameterization tool for managing groundwater resources and predicting land subsidence in Las Vegas Valley. American Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Dec 3-7, 2012.

Zhang, M., Nunes, V.T., Burbey, T.J., and Borggaard, J., 2011, A new zonation algorithm with parameter estimation using hydraulic head and subsidence measurements, EOS Trans, American Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Dec 5-9, 2011.

Burbey, T.J., 2011, Using reverse water levels to characterize fracgtured-rock aquifers, EOS Trans, American Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Dec 5-9, 2011.

Roningen, J.M., and Burbey, T.J., 2011, Hydrogeologic investigation of lake fluctuations at Mountain Lake Virginia, EOS Trans, American Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Dec 5-9, 2011.

Burbey, T.J., Murdoch, L.C., and Hisz, D., 2011, Using multiple stress signals to characterize fractured-rock aquifers, National Ground Water Assoc Ground Water Summit, Baltimore Md., May 1-5, 2011.

Murdoch, L.C., and Burbey, T.J., 2011, Hydromechanical well tests in fractured rocks, National Ground Water Assoc Ground Water Summit, Baltimore Md., May 1-5, 2011.

Roningen, J.M., and Burbey, T.J., 2011, Hydrogeologic controls on lake level at Mountain Lake, Virginia, Southeastern GSA, March 23-35, 2011.

Murdoch, L.C., D. Hisz, J. Ebenhack, C. Freeman, L.Germanovich, and T.J. Burbey, 2010, Emerging Applications for Hydromechanics: 18th Clemson Hydrogeology Symposium, 1 April, 2010. Clemson, SC.

Hernandez-Marin, M., Burbey, T.J., 2010 , On the mechanisms for earth fissuring in Las Vegas Valley, a numerical analysis of pumping-induced deformation and stress:

Eighth International Symposium on Land Subsidence, Queretaro Mexico, Oct. 17-

22, 2010.
Burbey, T.J., 2010, Mechanisms for earth fissure formation in heavily pumped basins:

[KEYNOTE ADDRESS] Eighth Int. Symp. On Land Subsidence, Queretaro Mexico,

October 17-22.
Burbey, T.J., and Murdoch, L.C., 2010, Three-dimensional deformation in fractured

crystalline rocks, Eighth Int. Symp. On Land Subsidence, Queretaro Mexico, Oct 17-

BurbeyT.J., Hisz, D.B., and Murdoch, L.C., 2009, A multi-faceted approach for

characterizing fractures in crystalline rocks, EOS Trans, American Geophysical

Union, Annual meeting, San Francisco.
Hisz, D.B., Edenhack J., Burbey, T.J., Germanovich, L.G., and Murdoch, L.C., 2009,

Multi-component deformation of a dipping fracture zone during a well test, EOS

Trans, American Geophysical Union, Annual meeting, San Francisco. Hernandez-Marin, M., and Burbey, T.J., 2009, On the mechanisms for earth fissuring in

Las Vegas Valley, a numerical analysis of pumping-induced deformation and stress,

Eighth Int. Symp. On Land Subsidence, Queretaro Mexico.
Hernandez-Marin, M., and Burbey, T.J., 2009, A three-dimensional modeling approach

of the role of faulting in land surface deformation—The case of the Eglington Fault in Las Vegas Valley: National Ground Water Association Ground Water Summit, Tucson, AZ, April 19-23.

Burbey, T.J., 2008, Evaluation of fracture properties using Earth-tide analysis, EOS Trans, American Geophysical Union, H41A-0826.

Yan, T., and Burbey, T.J., 2008, Effects of delayed drainage in an updated groundwater flow and subsidence model in Las Vegas Valley, Nevada, EOS Trans, American Geophysical Union, H21D-0856.

Gannon, J.P., Burbey, T.J., Bodnar, R.J., and Aylor, J., 2008, Determination of fracture flow at the Coles Hill uraninum deposit in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, using electrical resistivity and cross borehole methods, EOS Trans, American Geophysical Union, H13A-0910.

Hernandez-Marin, M., and Burbey, T.J., 2007, Conditions of fissuring in a pumped- faulted aquifer system, Eos Trans, American Geophysical Union, v. 88, no 52, H23C-1513.

Burbey, T.J., 2007, Fault characterization using InSAR, GPS and deformation modeling: Geol. Soc. of Am, Abstracts with Programs, V. 39, no. 6.

Hernandez-Marin, M., and Burbey, T.J., 2006, Proposed modeling to quantify earth fissures and land subsidence in Las Vegas basin: American Geophysical Union, Abstracts with Programs, San Francisco, CA., Dec 9th-13th, 2006.

Burbey, T.J., 2006, GPS and InSAR reveal heterogeneous and anisotropic aquifer conditions during an aquifer test, Geol Soc. of Am., Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 7, p. 291.

Lauer, R.M. and Burbey, T.J., 2006, Characterizing fractured rock aquifers of the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province using surface and downhole geophysical methods: Geol Soc. of Am., Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 7, p. 25.

Rugh, D.F., and Burbey, T.J., 2006, Using tracers to evaluate preferential recharge pathways in the Blue Ridge Province: Geol Soc. of Am., Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, no. 7, p. 470.

Rugh, D.F., and Burbey, T.J., 2005, Using tracers to estimate recharge in a Blue Ridge fractured rock aquifer system: Geol. Soc. Of Am., Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, no. 7.

Burbey, T.J., 2005, The use of vertical and horizontal data for calibrating ground-water flow models: Seventh International Symposium on Land Subsidence, Shanghai China (INVITED), Oct. 19-28, 2005, p.

Burbey, T.J., 2005, Using horizontal strain to better understand fissure development and aquifer characterization: Abstracts of the Association of Engineering Geologistss, Las Vegas, NV (INVITED), September 21-26, 2005.

Burbey, T.J., and members of Kimballton Science Team, 2004, Experiments in a deep underground science and engineering laboratory (DUSEL) hosted in sedimentary rocks: American Geophysical Union, Abstracts with Programs, San Francisco, CA., Dec 13-17th, 2004.

Burbey, T.J., 2004, The nature and role of fluids in heterogeneous rock environments, DUSEL S1 Workshop, Blacksburg, VA, Nov 12-13, 2004.

Shumaker, A.N., Henika, W.S., Hole, J.A., Imhof, M.G., Burbey, T.J., and Bodnar R.J., 2004, Integrated site characterization for the proposed deep underground science and engineering laboratory (DUSEL) at Kimballton, Virginia: American Geophysical Union, Abstracts with Programs, San Francisco, CA., Dec 13-17th, 2004.

Burbey, T.J., 2004, Using cyclic pumping patterns and land-surface deformations to evaluate aquifer properties, GSA Abstracts with Programs, V. 36, no. 5, p. 310.

White, B.A., and Burbey, T.J., 2004, Investigation of groundwater recharge processes in the Blue Ridge Physiographic province, GSA Abstracts with Programs, V. 36, no. 5.

Bell, J.W., Amelung, Falk, Burbey, T.J., and Blewitt, Geoff, 2004, InSAR and GPS applications in aquifer deformation and subsidence studies: GSA Abstracts with Programs, V. 36, no. 5, p. 299

Burbey, T.J. 2004, The role of horizontal deformation at the basin scale. 32nd Int. Geol. Cong., Florence, Italy (INVITED), Aug 20-28, 2004, p. 176-1.

Harvey, S.V., and Burbey, T.J., 2004, Thermal history of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater: Geol. Soc. of Am. Northeast Sec. meeting, Abstracts with Programs v. 36 no. 2.

Burbey, T.J., 2003, Using Parameter Estimation Methods to Calibrate a Ground-Water Flow Model where Municipal Pumping occurs from a Lake: Geol. Soc. of America, Ann. Meeting, Seattle, WA Nov 2-5, 2003, Abstracts with Programs, v. 35 no. 6, p. 102-7.

Blewitt, G., Burbey, T.J., Bell, J., Warner, S.M., and Hill, E., 2003, Aquifer Deformation in the Virgin River Valley, Nevada: Observed GPS Sensitivity to Deformation over various Time and Distance Scales, EOS Trans. AGU, 84(6), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract F514

Warner, S.M., Burbey, T.J., Blewitt, G., Bell, J., and Hill, E., 2003, Using GPS to Quantify Three Dimensional Storage and Aquifer Deformation in the Virgin River Valley, Nevada: EOS Trans. AGU, 84(6), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract F509

Gentry, W.M., and Burbey, T.J., 2002, Analysis of spring discharge for characterization of groundwater flow in the Blue Ridge Province, Virginia: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 6.

Warner, S.M., and Burbey, T.J., 2002, Using GPS to quantify three dimensional aquifer deformation and storage in the Virgin River Valley, Nevada: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 6.

Burbey, T.J., 2002, Three dimensional aquifer deformation and flow modeling: XIVth Inter. Conf. On Computational Methods in Water Resources, June 23-28, 2002, Delft, The Netherlands.

Pope, J.P., and Burbey, T.J., 2001, Characterization and modeling of land subsidence due to ground-water withdrawals from the confined aquifers of the Virginia Coastal Plain: U.S. Geological Survey Subsidence Interest Group Meeting, Galveston, TX, Nov. 27-29, 2001, Abstracts with Program.

Burbey, T.J., 2001, Use of compaction and hydrograph data during aquifer testing for characterization of aquifer properties: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, no. 6, p. A-279.

Gentry, W.M., and Burbey, T.J., 2001, Blue Ridge Province spring characterization: Recent evidence of deeper flow pathways: in Proceedings of Virginia Water Research Symposium, Nov. 14-16, 2001, Charlottesville, VA, p. 32.

Burbey, T.J., and Seaton, W.J., 2001, Aquifer-test analysis in a fault-dominated aquifer system, Blue Ridge Province, Virginia: Virginia Water Research Symposium, Nov. 14-16, 2001, Charlottesville, VA.

Seaton, W.J., and Burbey, T.J., 2001, Aquifer characterization in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province: Virginia Water Research Symposium, Nov. 14-16, 2001, Charlottesville, VA.

Harvey, S.V., Burbey, T.J., Bodnar, R.J., Atkinson, B., 2001, Investigating the relationshop of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater and the Virginia inland salt-water wedge: Geological Society of America Field Forum, Bolide impacts on wet targets, April 22-28, 2001, Alamo, NV, Moab, UT, p. 14.

Burbey, T.J., 2000, Strain and displacement data yield new insights in aquifer-system analysis: Proceedings of the Second International Conf. on Basic Sciences and Adv. Tech., Assiut, Egypt, Nov 5-8, 2000, p. 12. [INVITED Keynote]

Burbey, T.J., 2000, Revisiting storage coefficient: Is the vertical strain assumption valid during aquifer testing?: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, no. 7, p. 494. [INVITED]

Younos, Tamim., Anderson, E.T., Burbey, T.J., and Kibler, D., 1999, Hydrologic analysis of discharge from an abandoned coal mine: Proceedings of the 19th Annual American Geophysical Union Hydrology Days, Aug. 16-20, 1999, Hubert J. Morel- Seytoux ed., Colo. St. Univ., Fort Collins, CO.

Younos, T., Burbey, T.J., Reaves, D.W., Anderson, E., Wright, B.A., 1999, Alternative small-scale water supplies for coalfield communities: mine cavity water for drinking water supplies: Powell River Project Research and Education Program Reports (1999), p. 75-79.

Pope, J.P., and Burbey, T.J., 1999, Characterization and modeling of land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawals from the confined aquifers of the Virginia Coastal Plain:

Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver CO, Abstracts with

Programs, v.31, no. 7, p. A412.
Burbey, T.J., and Seaton, W.J., 1999, New hydrogeologic model for the Blue Ridge and

Piedmont Provinces: Implications for wellhead protection and identification of recharge source areas: Virginia Water Research Symposium, Abstracts with Programs, Richmond VA, Nov 15-16.

Younos, T., Burbey, T.J., Reaves, D.W., Anderson, E.T., and Wright, B.A., 1999, The potential of developing mine cavity water for water supplies in coalfield counties of southwest Virginia: hydrologic, institutional, and water quality issues. Proceedings of the Virginia Water Research Symposium, Richmond VA, Nov. 15-16.

Burbey, T.J., 1998, The contribution of horizontal strain in estimating storage coefficient in confined aquifers: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Toronto Canada, Abstracts with Programs, v.30, no. 7, p. A226.

Burbey, T.J., 1996, The role of horizontal displacement in evaluating earth-fissure development in the vicinity of faults in subsidence-prone areas: Assoc. of Engineering Geologists 39th Annual Meeting, East Brunswick NJ, Sept 24-29, 1996, p. 38. [INVITED]

Burbey, T.J.,1995, Comparison of simulation results from one- and three-dimensional models of aquifer-system deformation: Joseph F. Poland symposium on Land Subsidence, Association of Engineering Geologists 38th Annual meeting, Sacramento, California, Oct. 1-7, 1995, p. 38.

Burbey, T.J., 1994, Simulation of three-dimensional granular displacement in unconsolidated aquifers: in Prince, K.R., Galloway, D.L., and Leake, S.A., eds, U.S. Geological Survey Subsidence Interest Group Conference, Edwards Air Force Base, Antelope Valley, CA., Nov. 18-19, 1992--Abstracts and Summary: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-532, p. 71-73.

Burbey, T.J., 1993, Calculation of horizontal granular movement in confined aquifers: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs v. 25, no. 6, p.A-258.

Burbey, T.J., 1987, Assessment of a salt-reduction strategy for Las Vegas Wash, southern Nevada: National Meeting of the Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers, Minneapolis, MN, Sept., 1987, Poster Session Display.

Burbey, T.J., and Prudic, D.E., 1985, Simulation of regional ground-water flow in carbonate-rock aquifers of the Great Basin in Nevada, Utah, and adjacent States: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v.17, no. 7, p. 534.

Wheatcraft, S.W., and Burbey, T.J., 1984, Numerical modeling of the tritium breakthrough at the Cambric Site, Nevada Test Site: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. 6, p. 691.

Unpublished Theses

Burbey, T.J., 1994, A finite-difference model of three-dimensional granular displacement: Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Nevada, Reno, 281 p. Burbey, T.J., 1984, Three dimensional numerical simulation of tritium and chloride-36

migration: Unpublished Masters Thesis, University of Nevada, Reno, 125 p.

Other Published Reports and Documents

Burbey, T.J., 1991, Water-level and pumpage data for Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada, 1986-90: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91- 496, 122p.

Burbey, T.J., and Wheatcraft, S.W., 1986, Tritium and chlorine-36 migration from a nuclear explosion cavity: Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada System Publication 45050, 103 p.

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