Mark J. Caddick

Mark’s research and teaching broadly addresses processes at tectonic plate margins, as recorded by magmatic and metamorphic rocks. His approach is multi-disciplinary, but with emphasis on unravelling tectonic histories by understanding preserved minerals, mineral textures, and geochemical signatures. He employs and develops methods for studying chemical equilibrium and disequilibrium in rocks with the aim of illustrating both the paths that rocks and melts take through the crust, and the duration over which they evolve. Current projects involve developing techniques for better understanding conditions and rates of metamorphism, and focused studies on rocks from ‘modern’ subduction zone and continental collisional settings (e.g. the Himalayas, Alps and Aegean), along with rocks that experienced high temperature metamorphism in the Archean. Together, these studies can help to reveal the major processes that control evolution of the Earth's crust, and the rates at which these processes operate.
Ph.D., Earth Science, University of Cambridge, 2005
M.S., Earth Science, University of Bristol, 2000
Mark and the Metamorphic Processes Group study processes at tectonic plate margins, as recorded by magmatic and metamorphic rocks. His approach is multi-disciplinary, but with emphasis on unravelling tectonic histories by understanding preserved minerals, mineral textures, and geochemical signatures. He employs and develops methods for studying chemical equilibrium and disequilibrium in rocks with the aim of illustrating both the paths that rocks and melts take through the crust, and the duration over which they evolve. Current projects involve developing techniques for better understanding conditions and rates of metamorphism, and focused studies on rocks from ‘modern’ subduction zone and continental collisional settings (e.g. the Himalayas, Alps and Aegean), along with rocks that experienced high temperature metamorphism in the Archean. Together, these studies can help to reveal the major processes that control evolution of the Earth's crust, and the rates at which these processes operate.
- Besim Dragovic (post-doctoral associate)
- Kirkland Broadwell (Ph.D. student, high temperature metamorphic processes)
- Jennifer Gorce (Ph.D. candidate, subduction zone metamorphism in the Aegean)
- Victor Guevara (Ph.D. candidate, high temperature metamorphic processes and evolution of the Archean crust)
- Calvin Mako (Ph.D. student, thermal evolution of the Scandian orogenic wedge)
- Emma Tulsky (M.S. student, the effect of contact metamorphism on sulfur and carbon in sedimentary rocks)
More information about us, and the undergraduate students who we are currently working with, is available at
A current publications list with links is available here:
- Guevara, V.E. & Caddick, M.J., (2016) Shooting at a moving target: phase equilibria modeling of high-temperature metamorphism. Journal of Metamorphic Geology. v34(3), 209-235.
- Schwarzenbach, E.M., Caddick, M.J., Beard, J.S. & Bodnar, R.J. (2016) Serpentinization, element transfer, and the progressive development of zoning in veins: evidence from a partially serpentinized harzburgite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. v171(5), 1-22.
- Carlson, W.D., Pattison, D.R.M. & Caddick, M.J., (2015) Beyond the equilibrium paradigm: How consideration of kinetics enhances metamorphic interpretation. American Mineralogist. v100, 1659–1667.
- Dorfler, K.M., Caddick, M.J. & Tracy, R.J., (2015) Thermodynamic Modeling of Crustal Melting Using Xenolith Analogs from the Cortlandt Complex, New York, USA, Journal of Petrology, v56, 389–408.
- Dragovic, B., Baxter, E.F. & Caddick, M.J., (2015) Pulsed dehydration and garnet growth during subduction revealed by zoned garnet geochronology and thermodynamic modeling, Sifnos, Greece. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. v413, 111-122.
- Whalen, L., Gazel, E., Vidito, C., Puffer, J., Bizimis, M., Henika, W & Caddick, M.J., (2015) Supercontinental inheritance and its influence on supercontinental breakup: The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province and the breakup of Pangea. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3). v16.
- Ashley, K.T., Caddick, M.J., Steele-MacInnis, M. & Bodnar, R.J., (2014) Geothermobarometric history of subduction recorded by quartz inclusions in garnet. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3). v15, 350-360.
- Ashley, K.T., Steele-MacInnis, M. & Caddick, M.J., (2014) QuIB Calc: A MATLAB® script for geobarometry based on elastic modeling of quartz inclusions in garnet. Computers and Geosciences. v66, 155-157.
- Dorfler, K.M., Tracy, R.J. & Caddick, M.J., (2014) Late stage orogenic loading revealed by contact metamorphism in the Northern Appalachians, New York. Journal of Metamorphic Geology v32, 113-132.
- Farber, K., Caddick, M.J. & John, T., (2014) Controls on solid‐phase inclusion during porphyroblast growth: insights from the Barrovian sequence (Scottish Dalradian). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology v168, article 1089: 1-17.
- Schwarzenbach, E.M., Gazel, E, Caddick, M.J., (2014) Hydrothermal processes in partially serpentinized peridotites from Costa Rica: Evidence from native copper and complex sulfide assemblages. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v168, article 1079: 1-21. Baxter, E.F., Caddick, M.J. & Ague, J.J., (2013) Garnet: Common Mineral, Uncommonly Useful. Elements v9, 415-419.
- Caddick, M.J. & Kohn, M.J., (2013) Garnet: Witness to the evolution of destructive plate boundaries. Elements v9, 427-432.
- Baxter, E. F. & Caddick, M.J., (2013) Garnet growth as a proxy for progressive subduction zone dehydration. Geology v41, 643-646.
- Galli, A., Le Bayon, B., Schmidt, M.W., Burg, J-P., Caddick, M.J. & Reusser, E., (2011) Granulites and charnockites of the Gruf Complex: evidence for Permian ultra-high temperature metamorphism in the Central Alps. Lithos v124, 17-45.
- Gieré, R., Rumble, D., Günther, D., Connolly, J.A.D. & Caddick, M.J., (2011) Correlation of growth and breakdown of major and accessory minerals in metapelites from Campolungo, central Alps. Journal of Petrology v52, 2293-2334.
- Mattsson, H.B., Carricchi, L., Almqvist, B.S.G., Caddick, M.J., Bosshard, S.A., Hetényi, G. & Hirt, A.M., (2011) Melt migration in basalt columns driven by crystallization-induced pressure gradients. Nature Communications v2, (299).
- Caddick, M.J., Konopásek, J. & Thompson, A.B., (2010) Preservation of garnet growth zoning and the duration of prograde metamorphism. Journal of Petrology v51, 2327-2347.
- Caddick, M.J. & Thompson, A.B., (2010) Response to a comment by Chun-Ming Wu on "Quantifying the tectono-metamorphic evolution of pelitic rocks from a wide range of tectonic settings: Mineral compositions in equilibrium". Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology v159, 289-291.
- Chambers, J., Caddick, M.J., Argles, T.W., Horstwood, M.S.A., Harris, N.B.W., Parrish, R.R. & Ahmad, T., (2009) Empirical constraints on extrusion mechanisms from the upper margin of an exhumed high-grade orogenic core, Sutlej Valley, NW India. Tectonophysics v477, 77-92.
- Caddick, M.J. & Thompson, A.B., (2008) Quantifying the tectono-metamorphic evolution of pelitic rocks from a wide range of tectonic settings: Mineral compositions in equilibrium. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology v156, 177-195.
- Martin, V.M., Morgan, D.J., Jerram, D.A., Caddick, M.J., Prior, D.J. & Davidson, J.P., (2008) Bang! Month-scale eruption triggering at Santorini Volcano. Science v321, 1178.
- Caddick, M.J., Bickle, M.J., Harris, N.B.W., Holland, T.J.B., Horstwood, M.S.A. & Ahmad, T., (2007) Burial and exhumation history of a Lesser Himalayan schist: Recording the formation of an inverted metamorphic sequence in NW India. Earth and Planetary Science Letters v264, 375-390.
- Galli, A., Manckelow, N.S., Reusser, E., Caddick, M.J. & (2007) Structural geology and petrography of the Naret region (northern Valle Maggia, N. Ticino, Switzerland). Swiss Journal of Geoscience v100, 53-70.
- Holness, M.B., Dane, K., Sides, R., Richardson, C. & Caddick, M.J., (2005) Melting and melt segregation in the aureole of the Glenmore Plug, Ardnamurchan. Journal of Metamorphic Geology v23, 29-43.
- Harris, N.B.W., Caddick, M.J., Kosler, J., Goswami, S., Vance, D. & Tindle, A.G., (2004) The pressure-temperature-time path of migmatites from the Sikkim Himalaya. Journal of Metamorphic Geology v22, 249-264.
Mark currently teaches several undergraduate and graduate courses, including:
- GEOS 2024 ‘Earth’s Dynamic Systems’ is VT’s introduction to the geosciences for undergraduate majors
- GEOS 3704 is VT’s core igneous and metamorphic petrology course
- GEOS 5704 ‘Geochemical Thermodynamics’