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Current Report 2018-2019

Museum of Geosciences Academic Year 2018-2019 Programs and Events

Fall 2018

Research a la Mode (RALM): science communication seminar. Journey to the Center of an Active Volcano: Why is Deep Sea Drilling Science Important?  Kannikha Kolandaivelu. VT Geosciences. Wednesday, August 29, 2018, 5-6 pm, in the Museum, 2062 Derring. RALM is by grad students, for grad students, also appropriate for K-12 teachers and Master Naturalists. Free. (26 VT)

GeoFair and Mineral Sale
Saturday, October 13, 2018. 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. 2062 Derring Hall.
Join us for this popular event: hands-on family-friendly activities, learning stations about geosciences, and beautiful minerals for sale priced for teachers and students, Open to the public and Family Day visitors.


Museum Public Lecture: Breaking up the African Continent Along the East African Rift System. Dr. Sarah Stamps, VT Geosciences.

Thursday, October 18, 2018. Museum Public Lecture 7:00-8:00 in 4069. Pre-lecture Reception 6:00-7:00 in the Museum.

The African continent is slowly breaking up on its eastern side along the East African Rift System. In millions of years we expect to have a new ocean forming, which is already partly underway in Ethiopia. This talk will provide an overview of several projects that address the topics of why and how Africa is breaking up.